Gun Reduction

On May 24, an 18 year old guy shot and killed 17 children and 2 adults at an elementary school. The National Rifle Association held a convention four days later promoting gun ownership.

This is insane. Availability of guns is causally correlated with deaths from gunshots. Reduce the number of guns, reduce the number of events like May 24. But how?

First off, gun advocates are well organizated and well funded -- the National Rifle Association. Let's create a National Anti-Rifle Association whose mission it would be to advocate for gun reduction.

Increase the tax on companies manufacturing guns in the US and tariffs on imported guns. A weapon that can kill people should not cost $1,870 -- it should cost at least $100,000. The more weapons cost, the fewer there will be.

Hold companies manufacturing and distributing guns liable for the harm their products have caused our communities. We held the tobacco companies liable for their dangerous products. We must do the same with gun and ammunition manufacturers.

Incentivize gun manufacturers to build smart safety mechanisms into guns. Much like your smart phone has fingerprint reader and FaceID, a gun should have a fingerprint reader on the trigger -- it does not fire except for the registered owner. A camera on the barrel does not fire if the gun is pointed at a person, particularly if the person is a child. The technology is there -- it's in your iPhone.

Increase friction, to both purchase guns, manufacture guns, distribute guns, and fire guns. Make each process slow. Bullets will still travel quickly, but the slower each step is, fewer bullets there will be.

Create a concerted and continuing marketing campaign against guns. Change hearts and minds.

Copyright 2022 Chris Hiszpanski. All rights reserved.